Fm18 Player Wishes to Continue Development

Football Manager Guides - Guide to Player Personalities on Football Manager

Each human has their own personality which makes them unique. Individuals react to the same scenario in different manners based on a multitude of components. Football Manager has implemented such difficult human tenancies into its simulations, giving everyone a personality, which affects that individual in multiple ways.

Personalities are generally neglected in Football Manager. Majority of the community looks for players who have a high "Determination" attribute or personality and ignore the rest. The reality is that focusing on just one attribute so simplistically ignores many other players who could be so much better. Plus being 'determined' does not mean that FM has set that player to be a positive influence on the pitch or in your squad.

This guide digs into Player Personalities, explaining what they are, the important attributes and the effects personalities have on the player, the impact on your squad and the performances on the pitch.


Every player has their own personality, and that personality directly affects multiple avenues within the FM simulation.

  • First it affects the emotions of a player and their future goals and attitudes to them. Happiness and Future Plans are directly affected by a player's personality.
  • There is also a more indirect effect that personality has on that individual's morale.

  • Personalities directly affect other people who encounter that individual. Therefore, the personality directly affects an individual's interactions and relationships with fellow teammates, coaches, the manager, and the media.

Player Performance:
  • A player's match performance can be affected by their personality. Different personalities respond to certain situations in a multitude of ways and can make or break a player's performance throughout a match or "attitude" and "desire" in their performance.
  • There is another indirect affect. The squad's overall personality and other individuals within the match squad and their personalities can affect a player's performance. Likewise, it can be reversed – where one player's personality can influence a match day performance of the squad. This is more indirect however.
  • Training performance and training progression can be directly affected by a player's personality. Their personalities can either hinder or improve their performances on the training ground and how they grow as a player overall.

How Does Football Manager Determine Personalities?

So as in real life, the personality of an individual affects all aspects of one's life. Real life is unquantifiable, unable to see a player's overall determination or ambition on a rating system out of 20. A player's personality in FM is determined by their mental attributes and several hidden attributes – meaning that there is not an overall system which directly translates what a player's personality is like.

The mental attributes which determine a player's personality are.
• Determination
• Leadership

These two attributes are quantifiable for every player or staff in FM. Fortunately you can see it – however there are hidden attributes which are unable to be quantified or seen in scout reports. Some of these are "Personality Attributes" and they influence a player's personality.
• Ambition
• Controversy
• Loyalty
• Pressure
• Professionalism
• Sportsmanship
• Temperament

Like all other attributes – the personality attributes are rated from 1 to 20. The way to view these attributes is discussed later in the article, or by using scouting or editing tools. On FMScout there is Genie Scout which allows you to view the personality attributes along with other hidden attributes and components of a player. FMSE is another powerful tool which allows you to not only view these attributes, but to edit them. Sports Interactive provide the "Database" and "In-Game" editors which also allow you to edit and view these attributes.

Hidden Personality Attributes


Definition: How much and often an individual wants to achieve success or break ground into new territory.

Positive Effects:
• More likely to want you the manager to be positive about player's or team's prospects and goals during team talks, season preview and reviews, meetings and conferences.
• More likely to have good training progression.
• Excellent for tutoring.

Negative Effects:
• Will want higher value contract's for them personally.
• Will want to join a club that has a higher reputation, bigger ambitions at managerial and board level, competes in a higher reputation division or continental competition.
• This can also influence player's decisions when it comes to nationalities when there is dual-citizenship.
• Will want club and manager to reflect ambition and goals by signing high-reputation players or spend more money.


Definition: How outspoken, brash or "feisty" a player is.

Positive Effects:
• Practically none. The only link to a positive is that controversial players can have a trait of demoralizing or "riling" up the opposition which may influence a game but realistically it is unlikely as they would get themselves in more trouble than having a positive influence.

Negative Effects:
• More often to criticize the manager for any reason or respond negatively in team talks, media conferences, etc.…
• Will go against or ignore manager's direction in regards to learning new roles, training, traits or tutoring.


Definition: How strong a player's allegiance to their current club is.

Positive Effects:
• Be more supportive of manager's opinion during interactions.
• More willing to accept lower value contracts at current club.
• More likely to stay or want to stay at their current club.
• More likely to accept transfer decisions made by their current club whether it's buying or selling other players.

Negative Effects:
• When trying to buy a player with high loyalty – it is more difficult to deal with the player or club to the point of them not wanting to join.
• When trying to unsettle or convince a player to sign using the media – more likely to be annoyed and not want to join your club.


Definition: How well a player mentally, physically and overall deals/copes with demanding or pressure situations and scenarios.

Positive Effects:
• Higher pressure rating means they are less likely to feel under pressure.
• Will less likely display bad body language in and around matches.
• Less likely to be negatively affected by a negative mental state.
• Less likely to react to negative comments towards them and rebounds with positive influence or performance.
• Less likely to react to discipline.
• More likely to perform in pressure matches.

Negative Effects:
• You will have to be more sympathetic or relaxing with players with low pressure ratings.


Definition: How good a player's attitude is overall. Individually to their career, match performance and training performances.

Positive Effects:
• High professionalism means they are more professional.
• More likely to work hard in training, complain about work loads and individual training loads less.
• Have a dedicated approach to fitness, meaning better recovery's (probably) and in the long run have a natural decline later in their careers.
• Have a positive and good training progression.
• Display good body language in and around matches.
• Less likely to be impacted by negative mental attributes or states whether individually or as a whole.
• More likely to react well to management decisions and manger's opinions including tutoring.


Definition: How ethical or "sportsman-like" a player is.

Positive Effects:
• Respect the opposition during matches or after matches.
• Supportive of majority of manager's decisions and interactions such as tutoring a young player.

Negative Effects:
• They could miss opportunities in matches to gain advantages due to their ethical values. Not really do the "dirty work" or do the "shit-housery" needed to get the job done in difficult situations.


Definition: How disciplined a player's conduct is when events go against them in all aspects of the simulation.

Positive Effects:
• Higher temperament means less likely to lose discipline or be frustrated.
• During matches they are less likely to become aggressive or frustrated when your team is struggling or referring decisions go "against them".
• Less likely to react negatively to critical or disciplinary measures.

Negative Effects:
• People with low temperament ratings need to be handled lightly, and difficult to discipline as they would react more negatively.

It is hard to put this all together, especially since there is no definitive number which highlights a player's overall personality. However, a player's personality is described within their personal information by their Personality Description and their Media Handling Style Description.

Managing Players

As a manager you now have an understanding about how player's personalities are formed, what they influence and how the personalities are determined. How do you learn, judge and manage these player personalities and does it really matter?

The FM community overall has a poor understanding and ability in handling Player Personalities – despite them being crucial to not just individual but squad harmony and performance. Poor management can affect a player's happiness, morale and even some of the teammates of that player. The 'feed' of affecting other teammates is determined by good relationships with other players and their position within the hierarchy of the club. The higher they are – the greater the effect on other teammates.

So, it is crucial to handle player's appropriately to complement their personalities, but how do you know what to do by determining their personality and make the appropriate approach towards that player? As mentioned earlier; the Personality Description and Media Handling Style Description can display a player's personality but there are more ways to determine a player's personality.

  • Information is included on a player's personality in coach and scout reports.
  • The Social Group which a player is in can give clue as to their personality as the description of some social groups mentions general personality of that group of players.

You can note several instances which are not written out for you by reports or pages like the social group to determine a player's personalities.
How they interact during social situations.

  • Talking to the media themselves and the comments that player makes.
  • How they react when you or staff make comments to the media.
  • When you or staff give team talks, how they react.
  • When you talk to them privately whether praising, warning, disciplining or they come to you for matters.

Their happiness, short-term and long-term plans for clues which could lead to their personality.

  • For example, are they aiming to win trophies – making them look ambitious?

Monitor the body language of player's during the match for their reactions and overall performance in certain scenarios or situations. That can lead to indicating a type of personality they have.

Taking notes whether mentally, in-game or on paper can help you build a personality profile of your players which can help you determine the personality of an individual. Keep in mind that players can have generally "good" personality traits such as determination but combined with "bad" personality traits such as controversy.

Squad Personalities and Influence

As a manager, it is important to not just focus on individual personalities – but your club as a whole. Every club within FM has their own squad personality which is based off the player's ratings in the Personality and Mental Attributes which affect the personality of the club.

In real life, squads are also defined by personalities which run from the board level – through the manager – to the players. Stereotypically, think of Tottenham and how they are labelled as "Spursy" or Atletico Madrid who are "Controversial" or "Temperamental".

Seeing your club's squad personality described a certain way means that you have several players which have higher attributes in that description. This is important to keep an eye on for young players at your club, because squad personalities influence young players over time, gradually improving their rating in those attributes over time. Taking this information – keep this in mind when scouting players or youngsters from other clubs – squads who are professional or determined will affect those youngsters by possibly growing those attributes. However, there can also be negative personalities for transferring players such as "Loyalty" – making it harder to buy a player from a club, signing the player or either party willing to part with one another.

Are players constantly influenced by squad personality? That depends on another "Hidden Attribute" for players which is Adaptability. The higher the rating, the greater the age in which a player will be influenced by squad personalities – the maximum age for influence is 24 years old. Keep in mind that personalities also influence player traits as well, meaning that certain traits may not be obtainable through training if a player has low adaptability and therefore unable to be influenced as such.

Personality Descriptions

To help you with determining roughly what sort of attributes your player's have, below we have divided up personality descriptions which can be found on player profiles, scout reports and under media perception and how it relates to their attributes.

Positive Personalities

Model Citizen
• Ambition = 12 - 20
• Determination = 14 - 20
• Loyalty = 15 - 20
• Pressure = 14 - 20
• Professionalism = 15 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 15 - 20
• Temperament = 15 - 20

• Ambition = 14 - 20
• Determination = 14 - 20
• Professionalism = 14 - 20
• Temperament = 1 - 9

• Ambition = 5 - 20
• Determination = 15 - 17
• Pressure = 1 - 16
• Professionalism = 15 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 12 - 20

Model Professional
• Professionalism = 20
• Temperament = 10 - 20

• Professionalism = 18 - 20
• Temperament = 10 - 20

Fairly Professional
• Determination = 1 - 14
• Professionalism = 15 - 20

• Determination = 1 - 17
• Pressure = 15 - 20
• Professionalism = 11 - 17
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 14
• Temperament = 10 - 20

• Ambition = 12 - 20
• Determination = 17 - 20

• Ambition = 1 - 11
• Determination = 17 - 20

Fairly Determined
• Determination = 15 - 17
• Pressure = 1 - 16
• Professionalism = 1 - 14
• Sportsmanship = 5 - 20

Iron Willed
• Determination = 15 - 17
• Pressure = 20
• Sportsmanship = 5 - 20

• Ambition = 8 - 20
• Determination = 15 - 17
• Pressure = 17 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 5 - 20

Charismatic Leader
• Leadership = 18 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 18 - 20
• Temperament = 18 - 20

Born Leader
• Determination = 20
• Leadership = 20

• Leadership = 19 - 20

Very Ambitions
• Ambition = 20
• Determination = 1 - 17
• Loyalty = 1 - 10

• Ambition = 16 - 20
• Determination = 1 - 17
• Loyalty = 1 - 10

Fairly Ambitious
• Ambition = 15 - 20
• Determination = 1 - 14
• Professionalism = 1 - 14

Fickle (Newgen Players Only)
• Ambition = 15 - 20
• Determination = 1 - 14
• Loyalty = 1 - 14
• Professionalism = 1 - 14

Mercenary (Newgen Players Only)
• Ambition = 16 - 20
• Determination = 1 - 17
• Loyalty = 1 - 3

Negative Personalities

Slack (Newgen Players Only)
• Determination = 1 - 9
• Professionalism = 1
• Temperament = 5 - 20

Casual (Newgen Players Only)
• Determination = 1 - 9
• Professionalism = 1 - 4
• Temperament = 5 - 20

Temperamental (Newgen Players Only)
• Professionalism = 1 - 10
• Temperament = 1 - 4

Easily Discouraged (Newgen Players Only)
• Ambition = 1 - 10
• Determination = 1
• Professionalism = 5 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 17

Low Determination (Newgen Players Only)
• Ambition = 1 - 10
• Determination = 1 - 5
• Professionalism = 5 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 17

Spineless (Newgen Players Only)
• Determination = 1 - 10
• Pressure = 1
• Professionalism = 5 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 17

Low Self-Belief (Newgen Players Only)
• Determination = 1 - 10
• Pressure = 1 - 3
• Professionalism = 5 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 17

• Ambition = 1 - 5
• Determination = 1 - 17
• Loyalty = 11 - 20

Neutral Personalities

• Determination = 1 - 17
• Pressure = 15 - 20
• Professionalism = 1 - 10
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 14
• Temperament = 10 - 20

• Determination = 1 - 17
• Pressure = 15 - 20
• Professionalism = 1 - 17
• Sportsmanship = 15 - 20
• Temperament = 10 - 20

Devoted / Very Loyal
• Ambition = 5 - 8
• Determination = 18 - 20
• Loyalty = 20

• Ambition = 1 - 7
• Determination = 6 - 17
• Loyalty = 17 - 19

Fairly Loyal
• Ambition = 6 - 14
• Determination = 1 - 14
• Loyalty = 15 - 20
• Professionalism = 1 - 14

• Determination = 1 - 10
• Professionalism = 5 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 20

• Determination = 1 - 10
• Professionalism = 8 - 20
• Sportsmanship = 18 - 20

Fairly Sporting
• Ambition = 1 - 14
• Determination = 1 - 14
• Loyalty = 1 - 14
• Professionalism = 1 - 14
• Sportsmanship = 15 - 20

Unsporting (Newgen Players Only)
• Determination = 10 - 17
• Sportsmanship = 1

Realist (Newgen Players Only)
• Determination = 10 - 17
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 4

• Ambition = 1 - 14
• Determination = 1 - 14
• Loyalty = 1 - 14
• Professionalism = 1 - 14
• Sportsmanship = 1 - 14

Media Handling Style Descriptions

• Sportsmanship = 1 - 4
• Temperament = 1 - 4

• Controversy = 6 - 14
• Pressure = 15 - 20
• Professionalism = 15 - 20
• Temperament = 7 - 14

• Controversy = 1 - 14
• Temperament = 7 - 20
• Loyalty = 11 - 20

• Controversy = 1 - 14

• Controversy = 15 - 20

• Controversy = 1 - 5
• Professionalism = 15 - 20
• Temperament = 7 - 20

• Temperament = 1 - 4

• Pressure = 15 - 20
• Temperament = 15 - 20

• Temperament = 1 - 6


So what have we learned? Well, it's very difficult to keep track of personalities of players and handling a whole dressing room is not that much easier. But this guide is here to help you understand not just what hidden attributes a player might have, but how to get the best out of your player. Most importantly, over time - humans change - we grow up, mature... well most of us do ...and over time if given proper guidance our personalities can change for the good or worse.

So learn to build a good dressing room, a proper "club atmosphere" is important for both the short term and long haul. It can help change the attitude of players for the better and become easier to work with. It also can help develop youngsters better and help players adapt to a style of play you have set out. It also can help you determine who to cut off to help keep your squad healthy.


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